20 October 2007

Initial Post

Thank you.

Since I decided to undertake this blog I've been struggling with the opening post. You see I am not a writer by training, occupation, or desire per se. To be honest I rather disliked all of my English classes from grammar school through university.I am but a man who would like to see the return of manners and propriety among modern men.

My dilemma was sorted for me today after seeing my company's founder at lunch. I've decided to start by thanking you for reading this blog. I do hope that I will succeed in entertaining you, and offering gentlemanly words of advice that will help you become the best version of yourself as possible.

So how did a chance sighting of my company's founder elicit such sentiment from me? I do assure you that I am not a corporate suck up. Quite the contrary indeed.

Without the courage our founder exhibited in founding this company, in this area, I would not be leading the life I currently do, which enables me to live in relative comfort and security. This is a man who took a risk to forge new trails, and succeeded. For this alone he deserves praise, however that's not all he's done. He's also managed to keep his humanity about him.

I once had the chance to meet with him and he reminded me that what we do isn't about money. It's about people. The people who are our customers, and the people who are our co-workers. Always do what's right by the people and the rest becomes easy. He is a true Gentleman. Recollecting a time when those in positions of power realized the duty they had to their fellow countrymen not to abuse that power but to make every one's life richer for it.

This is one of what I hope will be many efforts to do what's right by the people. I will attempt to show you, my readers, what it means, and how, to be a gentleman.

Being a gentleman is about more than wearing the right clothes, going to the right parties, or having the right job. Being a gentleman is about your character, how you react to situations and people.

Too many of us today see little in the way of gentlemanly examples. The ways of our fathers and their fathers have been deemed as old fashioned and quaint. As though they have outlived their usefulness. The truth however is far from this modern state of interpretation. In today's society of selfishness and greed we need the qualities of gentleman even more. Gentlemen, and Gentlewomen make modern civilized life palpable for themselves and those around them. After all one the most important qualities of a gentleman is that he makes those around him comfortable in his presence. I do hope that you will feel comfortable here.

Along the way will be posts of my opinions on many topics, product reviews, and travel pieces. I will try to avoid politics directly, however politics will appear indirectly as my stance and views on a number of topics come forward.

So what then do I bring to this endeavour? Only my desire to be a better man myself, and help others along that road; and a short lifetime of experiences. Although in the scheme of all things that one can undertake I've really only undertaken a few. However it's not the quantity of things, but the quality of them that ultimately matters. And for me they were quality experiences.

You will not find interesting tidbits abouts my latest conquests. One that's not what this is about, and second a gentleman never kisses and tells. How very vulgar and crude.

I do hope that you enjoy the posts to follow. I do have a busy life but will try to post at least bi-weekly and more often if the spirit moves me.

Thank you.

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